Anjali's 60 Day Journey

Ever grateful for the time and space provided by Diana and BYR Team, one of the most vibrationally safe and welcoming places to feed your soul.

Almost a decade ago I did a sixty-day challenge during a pivotal moment in my life. Detox was a natural side effect, but the internal changes in my mood, inner thoughts, and physiology along with the strength I received were palpable, resounding with ripples for years to come. This was something I did not realize at the time, but recently reflected on the synchronicities and benefits brought on after completing the challenge. These curated, carefully selected postures cultivated with the natural discipline subtly touch the right organs releasing stagnant toxins and ushering in new healthy energy with the appropriate biochemical changes to bring the body and soul back into balance. In this process, over the sixty days I felt transformed. Any of the stress and cloudiness I started with melted away and the universe brought along many blessings and a clear focus with all the positive energy cultivated. This was my happy place and my prayer to my soul. I felt I deserved this time and practice and so does everyone else.

I came back a decade later, not because I actually remembered the magic that occurred the first time, but because my body and soul were craving yoga. I started slowly and was surprised at how my flexibility and strength did not desert me. The postures came back quickly triggering the cellular and muscle memory I thought were lost. This time I was going through another metamorphosis, making some hard life choices, relearning lessons in self-worth and self-respect. It took some days, but I would cherish my time at the studio and smile back at myself again in the mirror, someone that I thought I had lost over the years. This beautiful human staring back at me was familiar. She was just trying to live, spread some love, light, and help people with their health journeys. She was shakti and getting brighter each day, I saw my true self again. One of the teachers innocently nick-named me Smiley, having no idea of the internal struggles I went through daily, fighting some very heavy thoughts. This made me cognizant of the fruits of this journey and reminded me of the power of this practice. It always resonated when Diana said the hardest thing is making it to class, and I did it quietly over and over again. This precious time I spent at the studio allowed me to connect to and share my true nature again, slowly coming back to the light. I finished the sixty-day challenge, and a new chapter began again. This practice never leaves you, the ripples last for some time and spread far, but as real ripples they do not go on forever. The soul craves this natural medicine, the consistency of the deep connection to the source regularly. It will bring us back time and time again. This was the greatest lesson I learned.

Namaste to this wonderful studio and all its teachers and staff! Thank you for giving me Anjali and my shanti back.